Tuesday, October 28, 2008

250 words

original points being considered

* The positive implications of being semi below ground
* Preserving the circulation, and movement in original design
* Materiality, colour, textural influence
* Ramp- transparency increased surface area ( retain ramp no stairs and corridors)
* Addition of a transparent roof to unify all buildings elements
* Addition of mirrors on ceilings to create greater spatial recognition by viewer
* Increased circulation my transparency, or possibly tubular walls
* Interactive graffiti walls
* Context: rural environment

Upon reading through texts and information on this unbuilt project i was inspired and fascinated by the unique arrangement of spaces and elements combined to form a strange yet effective piece of architecture; and provoked me to research further on the concepts implemented and objectives behind the architect Jorn Utzon’s design. Although not much information is supplied on his thought process I was able to note that his primary intentions were to constantly provoke in the visitor a sense of surprise and maintain the desire to continue to penetrate effortlessly through the 3 levels of the museum. This sense of effortless travel I believe is a significant contribution to a viewers experience in all forms of museums and is something I wish to retain in my representation of the Silkeborge museum. I also further researched the requirements of a contemporary arts museum and architecturally what it is required to house as a guide to aid me in representing the Silkeborg museum. I was able to note that today as being a part of the contemporary era museums have gone beyond just painting and sculptural art forms they have to cater for a much broader medium with light and sound shows, interactive technologies, large projections, live imagery and computer generated designs which have gone beyond abstraction and needs to be catered for my our architectural design with larger exhibition spaces. So by creating a more spacious exhibition area i believe these art forms will have greater appreciation and room for expression which is something i may implement in my redesign. Also materiality was another aspect which wasn’t addressed quite well in Jorns design of the Silkeborg museum i believe that increased circulation could have been applied through wider use of transparency and addition of reflective material such as mirrors on ceilings to create a greater spatial recognition by the viewer.

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